Sunday, July 18, 2010


Was my last day at work.
I've worked at Hot Topic for almost two years. It was maybe the best first job I could have ever had. I met some of the best people I could have ever met working there. My boss Haley is at the top of that list. The day I brought my application in she was wearing a vintage suit with matching pillbox hat and black cat eye glasses. It was love at first sight. She did my interview and when she asked me "What new or unknown band would you tell people about if they asked for something new?" I answered Bid Sandy and His Fly-Rite boys and that they aren't new but not many people in our area listen to them. BUT she knew who I was talking about. Once I found out her and I share our favorite band we were on the way to best friendship! We are both Smiths geeks.
My work is all about being a family. I think that's why I'm so sad about leaving. I just left a family that I won't see all together probably ever again. We had an Ultimate Frisbee game. Two teams, four rounds(but really three we got tired) My team won and then we went to Red Robin for a celebratory and goodbye Shane dinner. It was an amazing night. I only cried at work once and no one noticed so it worked out.

Haley ha made me some mix CDs a few months back and they were amazing so I asked her for another before I left. Well I walked into the back room and she followed me and then pulled a stack of 6 CDs out of her purse and handed it to me with a card she made. and she told me "These are all the songs that are or were important to me or made me think of you." It was so thoughtful and amazing. I'm home in bed writing this blog to the "Don't You, Forget About Me" Mix CDs. Maybe only crying little bit.

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